Pedophiles, NaNoWriMo, and Autumn, oh my!

     Oh yes, you read that title correctly. All three of those subjects sparked my interest for new literary news, but for further explanation let me begin by going over each of the articles I read on The Best Damn Creative Writing blog (and yes it was a coincidence that they all happen to be sourced from this blog).  I recommend this blog site for anyone looking for to quench some blog seeking thirst with the site’s wide variety of fresh picked topics.
 But I digress. First, I read an article about one man’s self published e-book sold on, and the outrage resulted from it.  The book titled The Pedophiles Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child-Lovers Code of Conduct was written by Phillip R Greaves II,  and “offers tips to pedophiles for dealing with their “‘sexuality’” and getting away with it.’” At first, Amazon defended the sale of the book by stating:

“Amazon believes it is censorship not to sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable.  Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions.

     While this book definitely gets a check in the disturbing category, I must concur with Amazon’s statement. Maybe it’s just me, but I highly doubt that one book is going to corrupt the masses of readers out there. I do not think one can stand for the removal of book banning without including all books, no matter how controversial it may be. However, all the naysayers to this belief can sleep well since the e-book was removed on November 11th, after selling one copy.
     Also on the Best Damn Creative Writing Blog was an article link to Laura Miller’s distaste in November’s National Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo. After googling this syllable, I realized that this  wasn’t some new iPod nano application, but 30 days of writing to complete a 50,000 word novel. The idea seems harmless enough, and unites fellow writers in all their turmoil and triumphs of getting that first draft out and casting aside all meticulous corrections. But according to Miller’s article, too many writers forget this it is meant to be a draft, ignoring the website’s tutorials and advice on the importance of revision. Miller states “editors and agents are already flinching in anticipation of the slapdash manuscripts they’ll shortly receive.” One editor even wrote that they worst queries begin with “‘I’ve just finished writing my NaNoWriMo novel…’” 

     While I don’t find the NaNoWriMo concept as “laughable” as Mrs. Miller, I do think she makes a solid point that it is daunting for editors to receive submissions without some prior revision. After all, the goal of NaNoWriMo is to quantity over quality, and the chances of an instant Oprah Book Club seller is probably about as likely as getting hit by lightening. Perhaps writers get caught up in the enthusiasm during the month of November, and after their brain is nearly fried with writing they think publishing is the next step. Most writers do not look forward to revision because of the constant changes and persistence it requires, but it is ultimately an essential step to every writer.
     To end things on a lighter note, I enjoyed reading Susmita Paul’s blog called Lessons from Autumn-Encourage Change . Being a nature lover, I thought Miss Paul’s metaphor of change in writing to the change in seasons was perfect. People are creatures of habit, even if we are stifling ourselves from some real potential. As the blog states, we should invite change by creating new expressions, re-reading our work, not “numbing” your individual work by comparing it to accomplished writers,  and lastly “accept the rejection letters as just another leaf in your writer’s life,” for the snow will always thaw as Paul beautifully concludes.

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving.

But of course Christmas shopping loves to steal the thunder of Thanksgiving. ;P 

So to escape the shopper frenzy, why not enjoy some quiet serenity in your neighborhood? You never know if something there will inspire you. 

erica lewis


  1. I saw that thing about the book on Amazon and I was horrified! I don't believe in banning books or hobbling free speech, but I was kind of glad they pulled this one.

  2. A few years too late; I'm rather sad they pulled it. It's reminiscent of American publishers' original refusal to publish Nabokov's Lolita so long ago. But I would hope society has not come to the point that it is necessary to censor literature out of fear that the public cannot decipher for themselves right from wrong.

