Little Gabriel was the first baby I've ever worked with. He was such a good sport though! I love how babies are curious about their surroundings, and Gabriel was definitely interested in everything going on. It was a challenge to keep the little guy still, but I think we managed to capture some good moments :) And hey, now I can say I've worked with children, haha. Check out my flickr account for more photos (or the same ones at a higher quality ;)
Alicia is a friend of mine who has always loved Pin Up. She has several books with pictures of these fun-loving girls, and even a tatoo :) I thought we'd give this popular theme a try and I loved the results! The floral dress is something I picked up at a local flea market, and Alicia provided the skirt and used the top from a school girl costume. The location of this photo shoot was really enjoyable to work with too because no one was at this little amusement park so we had the whole place to roam around ourselves! I hope you enjoy these pictures, and for more visit my flickr account!
Many photographers attempt the "Alice in Wonderland" theme since it is so whimsical and influential in the imaginative sense. Instead of going with the usual girl in a Alice costume though, I wanted to create something a little more diverse.
So, after planning with my sisters, Sara and Jessica, this is what we came up with! If you have ever seen the music video "What are you waiting for?" by Gwen Stephani, I wanted to go with more of a harajuku Alice. Of course you can't have Alice without some teacups and rabbitts too! This was a really fun shoot to edit and it reminds me why I love working with themes so much. For more pictures visit my flickr account.
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